Oversized Back Prints
If you’ve ever seen those oversized back prints on tees and wondered how you can do that with your own designs, then we at AMBRO Manufacturing are here to show you the way. AMBRO Manufacturing is a contract apparel customization company with over 30 years in business so we have tons of services here that will allow you to transform simple clothing into awesome custom pieces. One of our services is oversized printing which is just how we’ll apply your custom oversized back prints to your garments!
Although there are countless printing companies to choose from out there, AMBRO Manufacturing is different because we offer standard and oversized printing all in the same place. We handle all of our production right here in our own facility which allows us to maintain superior quality control from start to finish on every project we do. We wouldn’t be around for as long as we have if we weren’t able to provide consistent quality and quality is our concern.
Oversized Back Prints
Oversized back prints are a big hit in the spirit wear world because they jump out and call attention more than a standard print ever could. If you’ve ever seen a game day jersey with a huge logo across the back, then you know just what I’m talking about. You could put your team name, school name, group logo, and all sorts of other options across the back in big, bold print so that everyone will know just what you’re representing. It’s easy to get your own oversized back prints from us here at AMBRO Manufacturing because you only need to reach out to one of our representatives and we’ll guide you from there. So if you would like to place an order for oversized back prints with us, or if you would like to learn more about our company and all of the customization services we have to offer, you can contact us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.