Archive | Water Based Silk Screen Printing

Water Based Printing

Water Based Printing

Water Based Printing If you thought that screen printing is done with just one type of ink, you’d be wrong!  There are lots of fabrics and lots of designs, so necessarily there are a variety of inks to get the best look for your custom garments.  Let’s take water based printing as an example.  Most […]

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All-Over Shirt Printing

All-Over Shirt Printing

All-Over Shirt Printing You can create some awesome shirts that people will be dying to get their hands on with all-over shirt printing. Nothing beats when you have a product that flies off the shelves because everyone just has to have it. You can also get really creative when you are thinking about creating all-over […]

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Water Based Silk Screen Printing

Water Based Silk Screen Printing

Water Based Silk Screen Printing Are you into customizing your own garments?  Do you have a lot of your garments customized with screen printing?  If that’s the case, are you printing with plastisol inks or are you having your garments decorated with water based silk screen printing?  If you like custom silk screen printing and […]

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