How to make a Photo Quilt
Are you a grandmother that loves to knit and sew and looking for a perfect gift that you could give your granddaughter who just had a new baby girl? Or maybe you’re a granddaughter and mother and your grandmothers 75th birthday is coming up and you are looking for the perfect gift to get for her that you and your daughter can make together, so she has something to look back and remember good times? Why not make her a photo quilt? A photo quilt is a quilt made out of cloth with photos printed on them. Now I’m sure you are saying to yourself that is a great idea but I don’t know where to even start, well good news you can start at AMBRO Manufacturing.
How to make a Photo Quilt
Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we can print your pictures on square cloths so you can make your quilt. The best printing job for this would be sublimation. With sublimation we can get the image as realistic as possible. This is achieved because with sublimation the image is printed into the fabric and not onto it. All would you have to do is gather the pictures you would like to make the quilt out of and bring them into us.
Having them on a USB port would be best or you could email the pictures to us, either way is fine. Next is the cloth squares, we can either supply them for you or you could bring them it but if you bring them in they need to be 100% polyester and white in color. After they are here we can start the process of printing your pictures onto the cloth squares.
Our typical turnaround time is 7 -10 business days, we achieve that time because everything we do is in-house. After the 7-10 days you can pick up your photo squares and then the bonding time of putting your photo quilt together for your grandmother or granddaughter can begin. If you would like to learn more about how to make a photo quilt please call (908) 806-8337 or email us today.