Large Format T Shirt Screen Printing

Large Format T Shirt Screen Printing

Do you love screen printed shirts? Do you have ideas for larger designs on t shirts? Well do I have the answer that you are looking for. Consider having large format t shirt screen printing. Are you at a loss for where to go to get this type of printing? There is one place located in New Jersey that has everything you will need. AMBRO Manufacturing is a screen printing company that specializes is large format t shirt screen printing.

Large format t shirt screen printing is normal screen printing done at a larger scale. You can have a print that is all over the shirt, or one that stretches across the shoulders. That is hard to come by in one screen printing company. You can have a pattern that repeats itself all over the shirt or even a large logo that you want to be huge.

Large Format T Shirt Screen Printing

There are a few things to take into consideration when doing large format screen printing. One thing to think about is if you have multiple sizes of t shirts what will look good on a small will not look good on the larger sizes. So if you want the design to look good across the board on all shirts there will have to be multiple screens set up with different sizes of your logo so that it will look proportionate to the size of the shirts.

There are many different ink colors that you can choose from for your design. The options are endless. The more colors you choose, will cost more in the end because screen printing pricing is dictated by how many colors you choose for the artwork. If you have any questions or need to know anything about large format t shirt screen printing you can email us or call us at (908) 806 8337.

Large Format T Shirt Screen Printing

Large Format T Shirt Screen Printing

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