Large Screen Printing

Large Screen Printing

Do you enjoy the look of custom screen printing?  Well, how would you feel about maximizing that impact by using custom large screen printing?  Here at AMBRO Manufacturing you can do just that!  Large screen printing is a customization service that is very popular because you can get larger than life images onto your custom garments.  As a retail fashion designer, big prints are a must to draw in the attention of customers, but that’s not all they’re good for!

Oversized screen printing is really ideal for any occasion where you want people to see your prints, so promotional events are a superb idea for you to employ large screen printing.  Just think of the impact a massive wrap around logo would have!  Of course, you don’t need to be thinking “business” all the time when it comes to large screen printing.  You can put huge prints onto blankets and create custom spirit wear or instant keepsake classics!  As you can see, since it’s all custom, you can really use it however you see fit.

Oversized screen printing carries several names.  It’s been called AOP “All Over Print” or Wrap Around Screen Printing, some even refer to it as Screen Printing Over Seams.  Regardless of the name, this type of screen printing offers a bold and unique look.

Large Screen Printing

Now, you won’t be able to get top quality large screen printing just anywhere, so make sure that you come to AMBRO Manufacturing if you want professional quality oversized printing.  Why AMBRO Manufacturing?  Because we’ve got 30 years of experience to offer you so you know that whatever you design will come out fantastic.  We have all the resources you’ll need for many different types of garment decoration so you’ll be able to do your large screen printing and more right here in one convenient place.  So if you are interested in placing an order with us, or if you would like to learn more about our company and all of our services, you can contact us by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.

Large Screen Printing

Large Screen Printing

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