Water Based Ink T Shirt Printing
Are you looking for custom T shirts with the softest prints? If so, you have to try water based ink T shirt printing. Water based ink T shirt printing works very similarly to plastisol screen printing, but the primary difference is the formulation of the ink. With plastisol, the ink is really microscopic solid pigments at various levels of concentration depending on the opacity of the ink. When plastisol ink dries, it forms a tough skin that we call ‘hand’ in the printing business. If you want screen printing done with little to no ‘hand’, you’re going to need water based inks!
Water Based Ink T Shirt Printing
Water based inks are different because they contain a solvent, often water, that must be evaporated for the print to be ‘set’. Since these types of inks are susceptible to drying, they must be properly stored and are only good for one time use. Once they dry up, they are no longer reusable and thus water based ink T shirt printing tends to be pricier than with plastisol inks. The trade off with using these inks is how soft of a ‘hand’ that they leave on the completed garment. You can barely feel the print when it is done with water based inks and for many consumers, this is preferable over plastisol.
At AMBRO Manufacturing, we can set you up with our water based ink T shirt printing! We can offer you standard water based printing with acrylic inks or we can do discharge printing on cotton garments. Discharge printing is just a water based ink with a discharge agent added that will remove the pre-existing color from the garment and replace with your desired color. We’ve got the equipment and the knowledge to produce top quality water based prints! You can contact us to place an order, or to find out more, by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.