Oversized Printed T Shirts

Oversized Printed T Shirts

Are you a custom garment decorator looking for a company who can create oversized printed T shirts for you?  Do you want the very best oversized printing at an affordable price?  Are you tired of wannabe printers who say they can do oversized printing but they can’t really get seam to seam coverage on your custom T shirts?  Come to AMBRO Manufacturing and let us make your oversized printed T shirts!  We have over 30 years of experience in custom garment industry so you know that you can rely on our knowledge and expertise.

Oversized Printed T Shirts

What makes oversized printing different from standard screen printing?  Well, in screen printing you use screens (shocking, I know) with artwork etched into the waterproof emulsion coating the mesh to allow ink to pass through certain areas and leave an imprint on a garment.  But what if your artwork exceeds the size of the screen?  You just get a larger screen right?  Well, what if you have several colors in your design?  You need a larger screen for each color!  And how can you mount the enlarged screens on your standard press?  So you see, oversized printed T shirts aren’t just something you can get just anywhere.

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing however, we have everything you’ll need for professional quality oversized printing.  We’ve been in this industry for over 30 years so we have the equipment and the background for top notch printing.  There’s no reason why you should hold back from oversized print T shirts if you want them!  Don’t let another moment to design for oversized printing pass you by; come to us at AMBRO Manufacturing to see how we can help you.  If you would like to place an order for oversized printed T shirts, or if you would like to find out more about us, you can contact us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.

Oversized Printed T Shirts

Oversized Printed T Shirts

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